(2 Kundenbewertungen)

XTend Windchill Blocking Top | Exit Watersports Accessories

89.90 inc. VAT

XTend Windchill Blocking Top von Exit

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Artikelnummer: 789 Kategorie: Schlagwörter: , , ,


Das XTend Windchill Blocking Top blockiert den Windchill vollständig und ist ideal für alle Arten von Wassersport in kaltem und warmem Wasser sowie auf dem offenen Meer. Aus dem Exit Watersports Sortiment stammend, ist dies ein unverzichtbares technisches Produkt, das entwickelt wurde, um deine Sessions zu verlängern.

XTend Windchill Blocking Top Info

Das XTend Windchill Blocking Top ist super flexibel und leicht. Es bietet unvergleichliche Wärme und verlängert dadurch deine Sessions. Trage es über deinem Neoprenanzug (nicht darunter!). Ob beim Kitesurfen, Windsurfen, Foilen oder Paddle-Boarding – das XTend Windchill Blocking Top darf in deinem Equipment nicht fehlen.

Nicht nur zum Eintauchen in kaltes Wasser

Du kannst das XTend Windchill Blocking Top auch bei wärmeren Bedingungen verwenden. Trage es einfach mit Boardshorts und lass das Full Black-Out Material seine Arbeit machen. Es bietet maximalen UV-Schutz, sodass du dich sicher fühlen kannst, egal welche Bedingungen herrschen – du bist immer bestens vor den Elementen geschützt.

Weitere Informationen

Getestet an verschiedenen Orten von einer Vielzahl an Fahrern, repräsentiert das XTend Windchill Blocking Top den Höhepunkt des Designs und der Ingenieurskunst von Wassersport-Zubehör. Die XTend-Reihe verkörpert das gebündelte Know-how unseres Designteams und sorgt für maximale Leistung in jeder Hinsicht. Entwickelt mit Zugang zu erstklassigen Wassersportstandorten in Irland, ist das XTend Top bewiesenermaßen in der Lage, hervorragenden Schutz und Wärme unter den härtesten Bedingungen zu bieten. XTend Windchill Blocking Top

In cm S M L XL XXL
Länge 65 67 69 71 73
Brust 98 103 108 113 118
Ärmel 79 81.5 84 86.5 89
Für die Verwendung über dem Neoprenanzug eine Nummer größer


XTend Windchill Blocking Top

Vergiss nicht, im Online Shop nach weiterem Exit Wassersportzubehör und technischen Produkten zu stöbern. Der Exit XRail ist der effizienteste Bügel für Neoprenanzüge auf dem Markt. Der BUX Wechseleimer ist perfekt, um deine nasse Ausrüstung zum Strand und wieder zurück zu transportieren.

Für Informationen zur Xtend Hood Neoprenhaube oder anderen Exit-Produkten kontaktieren Sie uns.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Gewicht 0.208 kg

XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL

2 Bewertungen für XTend Windchill Blocking Top | Exit Watersports Accessories


Bild #1 von Bart
Bild #2 von Bart
Bild #1 von Bart


I've been using the XTend windchill blocking top from Exit for my kitesurfing sessions along the East Coast of Ireland since May 2024, and I must say, I am thoroughly impressed with its performance. After 23 sessions totaling 37 hours on the water and covering a distance of 699.1km, this top has proven to be an essential piece of gear for me. The wind protection provided by this top is exceptional, keeping me shielded from the cold coastal winds and water as I ride the waves and enjoying kitesurfing. Not only does it offer wind protection, but it also effectively protects my wetsuit, extending its lifespan and durability. One of the standout features of this top is its ability to keep my body temperature warm even in the chilly Irish waters. This has been crucial in ensuring that I can focus on my kitesurfing without being distracted by the cold. The Exit top flexibility is remarkable, allowing me to move freely and comfortably as I riding the waves and work on perfecting new tricks. Its quick-drying properties are impressive. I am particularly impressed by how the Exit top has held up during impacts. Despite a few crashes while training new tricks, the top showed no signs of wear or tear, proving its durability and resilience. Overall, the Exit XTend windchill blocking top has exceeded my expectations in every way. It has become an indispensable part of my kitesurfing gear, and I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone looking for a high-performance, reliable, and comfortable top for their water sports adventures. Thank you for creating such a fantastic product! Bart

Bild #2 von Bart


I've been using the XTend windchill blocking top from Exit for my kitesurfing sessions along the East Coast of Ireland since May 2024, and I must say, I am thoroughly impressed with its performance. After 23 sessions totaling 37 hours on the water and covering a distance of 699.1km, this top has proven to be an essential piece of gear for me. The wind protection provided by this top is exceptional, keeping me shielded from the cold coastal winds and water as I ride the waves and enjoying kitesurfing. Not only does it offer wind protection, but it also effectively protects my wetsuit, extending its lifespan and durability. One of the standout features of this top is its ability to keep my body temperature warm even in the chilly Irish waters. This has been crucial in ensuring that I can focus on my kitesurfing without being distracted by the cold. The Exit top flexibility is remarkable, allowing me to move freely and comfortably as I riding the waves and work on perfecting new tricks. Its quick-drying properties are impressive. I am particularly impressed by how the Exit top has held up during impacts. Despite a few crashes while training new tricks, the top showed no signs of wear or tear, proving its durability and resilience. Overall, the Exit XTend windchill blocking top has exceeded my expectations in every way. It has become an indispensable part of my kitesurfing gear, and I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone looking for a high-performance, reliable, and comfortable top for their water sports adventures. Thank you for creating such a fantastic product! Bart

Bild #1 von Bart
Bild #2 von Bart
5,0 Bewertung
1-2 von 2 Rezensionen
  1. I was lucky enough to test one of the prototype versions of the Exit XTend windchill blocking tops. I used it in a variety of situations from summer wing foiling to colder weather stand up paddle boarding scenarios. As a single layer in warmer times it’s super toastie – much warmer than I expected TBH. Even with air temps clocking only 17C there was no issue with wind chill and evaporative cooling during one particular session.

    In SUP mode I wore the XTend top with a 2mm summer wetsuit. Again, the conditions were no match for the XTend top. If anything I was too warm at times. But that’s no bad thing! Rather that than chilly…

    In colder months it’s going to be a real winner. I’m all for making the most out of the conditions. So if the Exit XTend top can help me make the most of each winter session then great!

    Superb quality, with great performance, the XTend wind chill blocking top is a must for any watersports rider’s kit bag.

  2. I’ve been using the XTend windchill blocking top from Exit for my kitesurfing sessions along the East Coast of Ireland since May 2024, and I must say, I am thoroughly impressed with its performance. After 23 sessions totaling 37 hours on the water and covering a distance of 699.1km, this top has proven to be an essential piece of gear for me.

    The wind protection provided by this top is exceptional, keeping me shielded from the cold coastal winds and water as I ride the waves and enjoying kitesurfing. Not only does it offer wind protection, but it also effectively protects my wetsuit, extending its lifespan and durability.

    One of the standout features of this top is its ability to keep my body temperature warm even in the chilly Irish waters. This has been crucial in ensuring that I can focus on my kitesurfing without being distracted by the cold.

    The Exit top flexibility is remarkable, allowing me to move freely and comfortably as I riding the waves and work on perfecting new tricks. Its quick-drying properties are impressive.

    I am particularly impressed by how the Exit top has held up during impacts. Despite a few crashes while training new tricks, the top showed no signs of wear or tear, proving its durability and resilience.

    Overall, the Exit XTend windchill blocking top has exceeded my expectations in every way. It has become an indispensable part of my kitesurfing gear, and I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone looking for a high-performance, reliable, and comfortable top for their water sports adventures. Thank you for creating such a fantastic product!


    Bild #1 von Bart
    Bild #2 von Bart
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